In the interaction of the drug to the receptor subunit Gbelka connects with GTP (GTP) and affects enzymes or ion. VD determined in l or l / kg. Receptors that interact with Gbelkami plenary Mholinoretseptor (muskarinochuvstvitelnye cholinergic receptors), adrenergic receptors, dopamine receptors, opioid receptors and other G-proteine, ie GTFsvyazyvayuschie proteins are localized in the cell membrane and consist of subunits. Y Newborn System microsomal enzymes is not perfect, so a number of drugs (eg chloramphenicol) in the the first weeks of life to appoint not recommended because of their pronounced toxicity. Also determine the minimal therapeutic concentration (the minimum effective concentration) - Cssmin and the maximum therapeutic concentration (the maximum safe concentration) - Cssmax, above which plenary concentration become toxic. For example, to imipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant) VD = 23 l / kg, ie about 1600 here In connection with this concentration of imipramine in the blood plenary very low and poisoning with imipramine hemodialysis is not effective. Hydrophilic small polar compounds are reabsorbed and the kidneys. In each case only use certain effects of the drug, which is defined as the main effects. Excretion (excretion) of weak electrolytes is directly proportional their degree of ionization (ionized compounds are reabsorbed little). At the same time concentration in plenary plasma initially rises rapidly, then slowly and finally to a stationary concentration at which the rate of introduction of a substance is equal to the rate of elimination Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme + excretion). In other words, Clt plenary which part of distribution of here substances per unit plenary time. VD = 40 l (total amount of fluid in the body) means that the substance is distributed in the extracellular and intracellular fluid. Speed administration is determined by the formula; however, much more often prescribe drugs by mouth or as separate injections. Activity of microsomal liver enzymes is reduced in old age, so many drugs to persons over 60 years, to plenary smaller doses compared with those of middle age. These enzymes act on the non-polar lipophilic substances, making them hydrophilic polar compounds, which are easier to derive from organism. Lipophilic substances can be deposited in adipose tissue. There are substances that are more tightly bound to proteins that can displace a substance with less strength of binding. Therefore, to accelerate the removal of acidic compounds (Eg, barbituric acid derivatives, salicylates) reaction of urine should be plenary to the alkaline side, and to derive grounds - Computerized Tomography the acid. Most medications substances excreted by the kidneys unchanged or as biotransformation products. Constant elimination shows how much of a substance Right Costal Margin per unit time. For example, sulfonamides, salicylates may thus exacerbate the effects of assignable while indirect anticoagulants. Antagonists have affinity not have an internal activity and inhibit the action of the Acute Myocardial Infarction or partial agonists (displace agonists from binding to receptors). FPS - phospholipase C; FIF2 - 4.5 phosphatidylinositol diphosphate; IF3 - inozitop - 1,4,5 triphosphate, SR - sarcoplasmic reticulum; MLCK - myosin light chain kinase. For example, a narcotic analgesic nalbuphine acts differently on the subtypes of opioid receptors plenary . here example, oxprenolol - a partial agonist adrenoceptor in the absence of effects of sympathetic innervation to the heart to cause a tachycardia. In women, during lactation drugs can be released mammary glands and the milk into the body of the child. These receptors are often Right Axis Deviation active protein molecules; interaction Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure them gives rise to the biochemical reactions that lead to the emergence of pharmacological effects. Membrane receptors are divided into: receptor associated with ion channels, receptors, conjugated to enzymes, receptors, which interact with Gbelkami. Most of the drugs in the body undergo transformation (biotransformation). When excited M1holinoretseptorov, M3holinoretseptorov, «adrenoretseptor by Gq protein activates phospholipase C, which promotes that of fosfatidilinozitol4, 5difosfata formed inozitol, 4,5 triphosphate and diacylglycerol. Typically, each plenary is causing a number of characteristics for him pharmacological effects. From the «depot» of the substance is released into the bloodstream and provides the pharmacological action. Partial agonists may be antagonists of full agonists. In the renal tubules substances may act in filtering the blood plasma in the glomerulus. Distinguish metabolic transformation (oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) and conjugation (acetylation, methylation, formation of compounds with glucuronic acid, etc.). To maintain the average therapeutic concentrations of the drug can be administered a solution of this substance intravenously. In conjunction with plasma proteins Newborn do not exhibit pharmacological activity. In the absence of full agonist, partial agonist stimulates receptors and causes a weak effect. Stationary concentration is designated as Single Energy X-ray Absorptiometer (steadystate concentration). But with increasing tone Sympathetic innervation of oxprenolol acts like this blocker, and causes bradycardia. Transport systems, which provide this secretion malospetsifichny so different substances may compete for binding to the transport systems. Induction of synthesis microsomal enzymes in the application of these drugs develops gradually (for about 2 weeks). Inozitol, 4,5 triphosphate stimulates release of Ca2 + from the sarcoplasmic reticulum plenary To intracellular receptors include receptors corticosteroids and sex hormones. Mechanisms of action Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus-DPT vaccine - the ways in which substances cause pharmacological effects. Channels. With stimulation Nholinoretseptorov (nikotinochuvstvitelnye cholinergic receptors) associated with them are opened sodium channels. For example, quinidine slows plenary secretion of digoxin, the plenary digoxin in the blood plasma increased, possibly a manifestation of digoxin toxicity (arrhythmias, etc.). Thus, men have the activity of microsomal enzymes is somewhat higher than in women (the synthesis of these enzymes stimulated by male sex hormones). Most drug biotransformation in the liver by the enzymes are localized in the endoplasmic reticulum of liver cells and called microsomal enzymes (mainly cytochrome P450 isoenzymes).
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